Patriots Day chat ... bring on the questions on the weather, the injuries, the early-season stars. Join co-GM of BaseballHQ Brent Hershey at 12noon ET.
One full week into the season, and the questions remain: Lineups, injuries, fantasy strategy and more. Bring 'em all at 12 noon ET on Monday for BaseballHQ co-GM Brent Hershey.
A half-week down, and the closer carousel is in full swing! Lineups, closers, platoons, strategy: bring your fantasy baseball questions to BaseballHQ co-GM Brent Hershey at noon ET on Monday.
Opening Week! Drop by at noon ET to chat lineups, draft reactions, contract extensins, spring training battles, and more. BaseballHQ's co-GM Brent Hershey takes your questions.
Camp battled are heating up, injuries are making themselves known ... and real baseball this week! Join BaseballHQ's Brent Hershey at noon ET to chat about it all.
Rooks are cooking, including O's infielder Jackson Holliday. Lineups, injuries, keeper questions—discuss it all with BaseballHQ's Brent Hershey at noon ET.
Spring training boxscores (and injuries!), new pitches, and keeper-league draft season. Discuss it all with co-GM of, Ray Murphy, Monday at noon ET.
Spring Training games to over-react to, keeper and ranking decisions, let's chat on it! Join co-GM of BaseballHQ Brent Hershey at 12 noon ET on Monday.
Patriots Day chat ... bring on the questions on the weather, the injuries, the early-season stars. Join co-GM of BaseballHQ Brent Hershey at 12noon ET.
One full week into the season, and the questions remain: Lineups, injuries, fantasy strategy and more. Bring 'em all at 12 noon ET on Monday for BaseballHQ co-GM Brent Hershey.
A half-week down, and the closer carousel is in full swing! Lineups, closers, platoons, strategy: bring your fantasy baseball questions to BaseballHQ co-GM Brent Hershey at noon ET on Monday.
Opening Week! Drop by at noon ET to chat lineups, draft reactions, contract extensins, spring training battles, and more. BaseballHQ's co-GM Brent Hershey takes your questions.
Camp battled are heating up, injuries are making themselves known ... and real baseball this week! Join BaseballHQ's Brent Hershey at noon ET to chat about it all.
Rooks are cooking, including O's infielder Jackson Holliday. Lineups, injuries, keeper questions—discuss it all with BaseballHQ's Brent Hershey at noon ET.
Spring training boxscores (and injuries!), new pitches, and keeper-league draft season. Discuss it all with co-GM of, Ray Murphy, Monday at noon ET.
Spring Training games to over-react to, keeper and ranking decisions, let's chat on it! Join co-GM of BaseballHQ Brent Hershey at 12 noon ET on Monday.